Thursday, April 21, 2011

In summer, the song sings itself.


110410-144202 He’s too cute. IMG_2449

There are not words to explain how much I’ve missed her.


Swim-suit shopping…do not ask me how much I spent on that thing!


There’s no place like home.


I love this girl with all of my heart.


We have loads of fun together! Tylan makes my heart happy.


Victoria…Oh the places we’ll go.


Camie Nelson: That girl has got some serious heart. She is incredible. Love her so much.


Mutant strawberries/ Strawberries on steroids! …“The only thing better than strawberries is strawberries and sugar!” How true that is! I love my friend Ashlee.


I hope I like him this much when he’s a grown-up! Haha…seriously.

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Love them. So much. I will miss them terribly this summer, I hope those boys don’t leave on their missions while I’m gone…

Speaking of mission calls………

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Darren got his call today! He skyped me and he, pretend opened/re-read, his call to me! Elder Darren Michael Later has been called to serve in the Mexico Hermosillo Mission! So then…the moment of truth, “Darren…when do you leave…?” I was wondering if I really wanted to know or not! Then, he said it, “August 24th.” To which I replied, “Shut the front door! I’ll be home from Disney World!”

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Yay! I get to go to his farewell! So happy that I have such amazing friends! Imagine all the things I would never have learned, and all the people I would not even know existed if I just stayed in St. George. Can you just remember how scared I was to leave?!

I love my life. I honestly do. For the first time ever, I am totally content with the way things in my life are going. I know that the Lord has a plan for me,  and I am content to sit and enjoy the ride. I know whatever it is that He  has planned for me is better than anything I could come up with by myself, so I have total and complete faith in Him:   As it should be.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The usual: Another ending leading to another beginning.


Today was full of goodbyes

More to come tomorrow


I’m fine.

Okay, so…I’m not quite sure that it’s all hit me yet.


…Maybe I’m just numb to the pain of it all this time around…


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Come, listen to a prophet’s voice.

181st semi-annual General Conference.

        How blessed we are to hear the words of God’s living prophets, seers and revelators.

Summer is on the horizon. . .

"Palm trees, ocean breeze, salty air, sun kissed hair.
That endless summer; take me there."
Florida’s Gulf coast awaits me…